This form must be signed by both the parent/guardian and student and returned to the KISJ Dorm Office. It is not required, but non-submission will result in the denial of privileges listed.
[High School Parent/Guardian Agreement]
I give permission for my child to leave the KISJ campus unsupervised on weekdays and weekends according to the specifications, conditions and procedures in the Dorm Life section of the Korea International School, Jeju Campus school and dorm life guide 2024-25.
In case of harm and/or injury occurred and/or sustained as a result of the student’s actions off-campus, the student and their family will cover all the necessary expenses/cost. This statement applies to property damage, as well as any expenses related to physical harm and/or injury to the student and others.
I agree that my child may use designated school facilities without direct supervision by staff, as detailed in the Dorm Life section of the Korea International School, Jeju Campus school and dorm life guide 2024-25.
In case of harm and/or injury occurred and/or sustained by not following on-campus guidelines, the student and their family will cover all the necessary expenses/cost. This statement applies to property damage, as well as any expenses related to physical harm and/or injury to the student and others.
[High School Dorm Student Agreement]
I, the undersigned, understand that I am responsible for knowing and abiding by the KISJ school and dorm regulations, behavioral expectations and values, both on and off-campus, with or without direct supervision. I understand that failure to do so may result in suspension of these privileges and permissions, and/or disciplinary action.
※ All forms submitted online with your electronic signature is considered legally binding.